Prime Inc. Recognizes Million Mile Achievements

Springfield, Missouri – Seven exceptional drivers were recently recognized by Prime inc. for reaching one million or three million miles of safe driving for the company. “This milestone takes a lot of hard work, attention to detail and a high-level of professionalism on the road,” said Don Lacy, Prime Inc.

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Voice Your Opinion: Keep the Current Hours-of-Service Rules

Keep the Current Hours-of-Service Rules (HOS) Requirements for Commercial Truck Drivers. The FMCSA has proposed revisions to the regulations for hours of service for drivers of commercial motor vehicles.  We would like to encourage you to participate in this rulemaking by submitting your thoughts to the FMCSA.  This news release has information on the proposed changes as well as how to express your opinion.  All comments received by the FMCSA will be poste…

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Prime Inc. Announces Increase in Tanker Driver Pay

Springfield, Mo. – Prime Inc., a refrigerated, flatbed, tanker and logistics trucking company, has announced an increase in tanker starting pay.  Company associates in the Prime Tanker Division can now earn 41 cents per mile for starting pay.  This increase in pay adds to a substantial list of driver benefits, as well as excellent home time for drivers in the Tanker Division.“It has always been our policy at Prime to share our growth and success with our drivers,” said John H…

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Cliff and Wanda Humphrey of Prime Inc. named TCA Highway Angels

Springfield, Mo. – Cliff and Wanda Humphrey, team drivers for Prime Inc., of Springfield, Missouri, have been named Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) Highway Angels for stopping to help at the scene of a horrific accident. On July 19, 2010, the Humphreys were driving eastbound on I-40 through rural New Mexico.

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Prime Inc. Raises Min Pay Per Mile To 95¢ For Reefer And Flatbed Division

Springfield, MO. – Prime Inc., headquartered in Springfield, MO., which pays its contractors 72 percent of revenue, has again raised its minimum guaranteed revenue for independent contractors in its refrigerated and flatbed divisions, ensuring no less than $95,000 for every 100,000 miles completed. This enhancement in guarantee still allows the operator to share in gains of the marketplace but have the assurance that it will never be lower than 95 cents per mile.

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