Prime Refrigerated Bears Precious Cargo

At Prime, all cargo is precious. But on November 17, 2000, the cargo was not only precious; it was extraordinary. Refrigerated’s David Jewell, truck #88408, was dispatched to the Reid Park Zoo in Tucson, Arizona, where a 600-pound polar bear was loaded into his truck for transport to Los Angeles, California.

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Accounting Services Offered at Prime’s Terminal

Hours 8 to 5 Monday through Friday, and by appointment During tax season, January 1 to April 15: 7:00am to 7:00pm-Monday through Friday, and 8:00am to 3:00pm on Saturday Service Bookkeeping for owner operators. Business consulting: Helping drivers understand their business so they can become more profitable. Federal and state tax preparation, including estimated taxes and returns for prior years.

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Proofs of Delivery Available on Prime’s Website

You can now quickly and conveniently get copies of original Bills of Lading right from Prime’s web site, if you are already set up for Load Tracing. Bills of Lading can be viewed and printed right from your PC. No more phone tag to request a copy of the proof of delivery.

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Prime Honors Associates At Annual Party

Prime Inc., a leading international refrigerated, flatbed and liquid bulk truckload carrier headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, recently hosted its annual holiday party. More than 1,450 driving and non-driving associates attended the event held in their honor. Festivities included a reception, inspirational speeches, dinner, live entertainment, dancing, and karaoke.

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Prime Rewards Operators for Lease Completion

Prime Inc., a leading international refrigerated, flatbed and liquid bulk truckload carrier headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, has rewarded lease completion incentives to operators who completed leases with the company in July and early August. David A. Nelms received a check for $12,312.89 upon completion of a 93-week lease.

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Prime Wins ‘Quest for Quality’ Award

August, 2000 – Prime Inc., a leading international refrigerated, flatbed and liquid bulk truckload carrier headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, has won the 2000 “Quest for Quality” Readers Choice Award, in recognition of outstanding performance. Company representatives have been invited to the 17th Annual “Quest for Quality” Awards presentation dinner, to be held Wednesday, September 20, at the Omni Hotel in Chicago, Illinois, where they will receive the prestigious award. “Quest for Quality,…

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Prime Celebrates National Truck Driver Appreciation Week

Prime Inc., a leading international refrigerated, flatbed and liquid bulk truckload carrier headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, will join a nationwide celebration for truck drivers during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, August 12 – 19. The fifth annual event, sponsored by American Trucking Associations (ATA), honors the nation’s drivers for their commitment to excellence. “Prime has a long-standing tradition of attracting and retaining the best professionals in the trucking industry…

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Prime Celebrates Grand Opening of New Millennium Building

Prime Inc. recently celebrated the grand opening of its new Millennium Building, an amenities center unlike anything in North America. In honor of the occasion, Prime hosted an invitation-only reception and ribbon cutting on Friday, June 9, from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

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Prime Wins Advertising Award

Prime Inc. recently won the Harvey Communication Measurement Award for advertising. Harvey Research, Inc., consultants in communications research since 1953, presented the award to Prime in recognition of advertising that achieved outstanding readership response.

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driver Recruiting
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refrigerated division sales
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INTERMODAL division Sales
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